* This program reads the txt file data and applies variable and value labels, format and missing values specifications. * Write the location of the ASCII file at the beginning of the control file. * Write the location of the SPSS data file at the end of the control file. SET decimal=dot. DATA LIST FILE = 'c:\****\INT_schi_2003.txt' / COUNTRY 1 - 3 (a) CNT 4 - 6 (a) SUBNATIO 7 - 10 (a) SCHOOLID 11 - 15 (a) SC01Q01 17 - 17 SC02Q01 18 - 25 SC02Q02 26 - 33 SC03Q01 34 - 34 SC04Q01 35 - 42 SC04Q02 43 - 50 SC04Q03 51 - 58 SC04Q04 59 - 66 SC05Q01 67 - 67 SC05Q02 68 - 68 SC05Q03 69 - 69 SC05Q04 70 - 70 SC05Q05 71 - 71 SC05Q06 72 - 72 SC05Q07 73 - 73 SC05Q08 74 - 74 SC05Q09 75 - 75 SC05Q10 76 - 76 SC05Q11 77 - 77 SC05Q12 78 - 78 SC05Q13 79 - 79 SC05Q14 80 - 80 SC06Q01 81 - 88 SC06Q02 89 - 96 SC08Q01 97 - 97 SC08Q02 98 - 98 SC08Q03 99 - 99 SC08Q04 100 - 100 SC08Q05 101 - 101 SC08Q06 102 - 102 SC08Q07 103 - 103 SC08Q08 104 - 104 SC08Q09 105 - 105 SC08Q10 106 - 106 SC08Q11 107 - 107 SC08Q12 108 - 108 SC08Q13 109 - 109 SC08Q14 110 - 110 SC08Q15 111 - 111 SC08Q16 112 - 112 SC08Q17 113 - 113 SC08Q18 114 - 114 SC08Q19 115 - 115 SC08Q20 116 - 116 SC09Q01 117 - 124 SC09Q02 125 - 132 SC09Q03 133 - 140 SC09Q04 141 - 148 SC09Q05 149 - 156 SC09Q06 157 - 164 SC10Q01 165 - 165 SC10Q02 166 - 166 SC10Q03 167 - 167 SC10Q04 168 - 168 SC10Q05 169 - 169 SC10Q06 170 - 170 SC10Q07 171 - 171 SC11Q01 172 - 172 SC11Q02 173 - 173 SC11Q03 174 - 174 SC11Q04 175 - 175 SC11Q05 176 - 176 SC11Q06 177 - 177 SC11Q07 178 - 178 SC12Q01 179 - 179 SC12Q02 180 - 180 SC12Q03 181 - 181 SC12Q04 182 - 182 SC12Q05 183 - 183 SC13Q01 184 - 184 SC13Q02 185 - 185 SC13Q03 186 - 186 SC13Q04 187 - 187 SC13Q05 188 - 188 SC13Q06 189 - 189 SC13Q07 190 - 190 SC13Q08 191 - 191 SC14Q01 192 - 192 SC15Q01 193 - 193 SC15Q02 194 - 194 SC16Q01 195 - 195 SC16Q02 196 - 196 SC16Q03 197 - 197 SC16Q04 198 - 198 SC17Q01 199 - 199 SC17Q02 200 - 200 SC17Q03 201 - 201 SC17Q04 202 - 202 SC17Q05 203 - 203 SC18Q11 204 - 211 SC18Q12 212 - 219 SC18Q13 220 - 227 SC18Q21 228 - 235 SC18Q22 236 - 243 SC18Q23 244 - 251 SC19Q11 252 - 259 SC19Q12 260 - 267 SC19Q13 268 - 275 SC19Q14 276 - 283 SC19Q15 284 - 291 SC19Q21 292 - 299 SC19Q22 300 - 307 SC19Q23 308 - 315 SC19Q24 316 - 323 SC19Q25 324 - 331 SC20Q01 332 - 332 SC20Q02 333 - 333 SC20Q03 334 - 334 SC20Q04 335 - 335 SC21Q01 336 - 336 SC21Q02 337 - 337 SC21Q03 338 - 338 SC22Q01 339 - 339 SC22Q02 340 - 340 SC22Q03 341 - 341 SC23Q01 342 - 342 SC23Q02 343 - 343 SC23Q03 344 - 344 SC24Q01 345 - 345 SC24Q02 346 - 346 SC24Q03 347 - 347 SC24Q04 348 - 348 SC25Q01 349 - 349 SC25Q02 350 - 350 SC25Q03 351 - 351 SC25Q04 352 - 352 SC25Q05 353 - 353 SC25Q06 354 - 354 SC25Q07 355 - 355 SC25Q08 356 - 356 SC25Q09 357 - 357 SC25Q10 358 - 358 SC25Q11 359 - 359 SC25Q12 360 - 360 SC25Q13 361 - 361 SC26Q01 362 - 366 (a) SC26Q02 367 - 371 (a) SC26Q03 372 - 376 (a) SC26Q04 377 - 381 (a) SC26Q05 382 - 386 (a) SC26Q06 387 - 391 (a) SC26Q07 392 - 396 (a) SC26Q08 397 - 401 (a) SC26Q09 402 - 406 (a) SC26Q10 407 - 411 (a) SC26Q11 412 - 416 (a) SC26Q12 417 - 421 (a) SC27Q01 422 - 425 (a) SC27Q02 426 - 429 (a) SC27Q03 430 - 433 (a) SC27Q04 434 - 437 (a) SC27Q05 438 - 441 (a) SC27Q06 442 - 445 (a) SC27Q07 446 - 449 (a) SCHLSIZE 450 - 457 PCGIRLS 458 - 465 SCHLTYPE 466 - 466 RATCOMP 467 - 474 COMPWEB 475 - 482 COMPLAN 483 - 490 STRATIO 491 - 498 PROPCERT 499 - 506 PROPQPED 507 - 514 SMRATIO 515 - 522 PROPMATH 523 - 530 PROPMA5A 531 - 538 ASSESS 539 - 539 SELECT 540 - 540 ABGROUP 541 - 541 EXCOURSE 542 - 542 MACTIV 543 - 543 AUTRES 544 - 544 AUTCURR 545 - 545 MSTREL 546 - 550 TCSHORT 551 - 558 SCMATBUI 559 - 566 SCMATEDU 567 - 574 STMORALE 575 - 582 TCMORALE 583 - 590 STUDBEHA 591 - 598 TEACBEHA 599 - 606 TCHCONS 607 - 614 SCHAUTON 615 - 622 TCHPARTI 623 - 630 SCWEIGHT 631 - 638 STRATUM 640 - 644 (a) . Variable labels country "Country ID" CNT "Nation code" subnatio "Adjudicated sub-region" SchoolID "School ID" SC01Q01 "School location Q1" SC02Q01 "Number of boys Q2a" SC02Q02 "Number of girls Q2b" SC03Q01 "Public or private Q3" SC04Q01 "Funding Government Q4a" SC04Q02 "Funding Student fees Q4b" SC04Q03 "Funding Benefactors Q4c" SC04Q04 "Funding Other Q4d" SC05Q01 "Grade 1 Q5a" SC05Q02 "Grade 2 Q5b" SC05Q03 "Grade 3 Q5c" SC05Q04 "Grade 4 Q5d" SC05Q05 "Grade 5 Q5e" SC05Q06 "Grade 6 Q5f" SC05Q07 "Grade 7 Q5g" SC05Q08 "Grade 8 Q5h" SC05Q09 "Grade 9 Q5i" SC05Q10 "Grade 10 Q5j" SC05Q11 "Grade 11 Q5k" SC05Q12 "Grade 12 Q5l" SC05Q13 "Grade 13 Q5m" SC05Q14 "Ungraded school Q5n" SC06Q01 "Repeat at Q6a" SC06Q02 "Repeat at Q6b" SC08Q01 "Shortage Maths teach. Q8a" SC08Q02 "Shortage Sci teach. Q8b" SC08Q03 "Shortage test_lang. teach. Q8c" SC08Q04 "Shortage oth nat_lang. teach. Q8d" SC08Q05 "Shortage forn_lang. teach. Q8e" SC08Q06 "Shortage exper. teach. Q8f" SC08Q07 "Shortage emerg. teach. Q8g" SC08Q08 "Shortage supp personnel Q8h" SC08Q09 "Shortage textbooks Q8i" SC08Q10 "Shortage supplies Q8j" SC08Q11 "Shortage buildings Q8k" SC08Q12 "Shortage heating Q8l" SC08Q13 "Shortage classrooms Q8m" SC08Q14 "Shortage special equipment Q8n" SC08Q15 "Shortage computers Q8o" SC08Q16 "Shortage computer software Q8p" SC08Q17 "Shortage calculators Q8q" SC08Q18 "Shortage library material Q8r" SC08Q19 "Shortage audio-vidio Q8s" SC08Q20 "Shortage lab equipment Q8t" SC09Q01 "Computers altogether Q9a" SC09Q02 "Computers students Q9b" SC09Q03 "Computers teachers Q9c" SC09Q04 "Computers admin Q9d" SC09Q05 "Computers with Web Q9e" SC09Q06 "Computers with LAN Q9f" SC10Q01 "Admittance Residence Q10a" SC10Q02 "Admittance Student Record Q10b" SC10Q03 "Admittance Recommendation Q10c" SC10Q04 "Admittance Parents’ endorsement Q10d" SC10Q05 "Admittance Special programme Q10e" SC10Q06 "Admittance Family preference Q10f" SC10Q07 " Q10g" SC11Q01 "Students enjoy Q11a" SC11Q02 "Students enthusiasm Q11b" SC11Q03 "Students take pride Q11c" SC11Q04 "Students value academic Q11d" SC11Q05 "Students respectful Q11e" SC11Q06 "Students value education Q11f" SC11Q07 "Students learn Q11g" SC12Q01 "Standardised test Q12a" SC12Q02 "Teacher's test Q12b" SC12Q03 "Teacher's ratings Q12c" SC12Q04 "Students' portfolios Q12d" SC12Q05 "Student assignments Q12e" SC13Q01 "Assessment inform parents Q13a" SC13Q02 "Assessment retention Q13b" SC13Q03 "Assessment group students Q13c" SC13Q04 "Assessment compare to national Q13d" SC13Q05 "Assessment school’s progress Q13e" SC13Q06 "Assessment teachers’ effectiveness Q13f" SC13Q07 "Assessment to improve curriculum Q13g" SC13Q08 "Assessment compare to other schools Q13h" SC14Q01 "Language Percent Q14" SC15Q01 "Separate subject Q15a" SC15Q02 "Other parts Q15b" SC16Q01 "Streaming by levels Q16a" SC16Q02 "Streaming by content Q16b" SC16Q03 "Grouped by Ability Q16c" SC16Q04 "Not grouped by ability Q16d" SC17Q01 "Enrichment Mathematics Q17a" SC17Q02 "Remedial mathematics Q17b" SC17Q03 "Mathematics competitions Q17c" SC17Q04 "Mathematics Clubs Q17d" SC17Q05 "Computer clubs Q17e" SC18Q11 "Ftime teach in TOTAL Q18a1" SC18Q21 "Ptime teach in TOTAL Q18a2" SC18Q12 "Ftime teach fully certified Q18b1" SC18Q22 "Ptime teach fully certified Q18b2" SC18Q13 "Ftime teach ISCED5A pedag Q18c1" SC18Q23 "Ptime teach ISCED5A pedag Q18c2" SC19Q11 "Ftime Maths teach Q19a1" SC19Q21 "Ptime Maths teach Q19a2" SC19Q12 "Ftime teach ISCED5A Maths Q19b1" SC19Q22 "Ptime teach ISCED5A Maths Q19b2" SC19Q13 "Ftime Maths teach ISCED5A no major Q19c1" SC19Q23 "Ptime Maths teach ISCED5A no major Q19c2" SC19Q14 "Ftime Maths teach ISCED5A pedag Q19d1" SC19Q24 "Ptime Maths teach ISCED5A pedag Q19d2" SC19Q15 "Ftime Maths teach ISCED5B Q19e1" SC19Q25 "Ptime Maths teach ISCED5B Q19e2" SC20Q01 "By students' achievement Q20a" SC20Q02 "By teacher review Q20b" SC20Q03 "By principal Q20c" SC20Q04 "By inspectors Q20d" SC21Q01 "Innovative teachers Q21a" SC21Q02 "Traditional teachers Q21b" SC21Q03 "Innovation disagreements Q21c" SC22Q01 "Require high achievement Q22a" SC22Q02 "Adapt standards Q22b" SC22Q03 "Frequent disagreements Q22c" SC23Q01 "Goals social development Q23a" SC23Q02 "Goals Maths skills Q23b" SC23Q03 "Goals disagreements Q23c" SC24Q01 "High morale Q24a" SC24Q02 "Enthusiasm Q24b" SC24Q03 "Pride in school Q24c" SC24Q04 "Academic Achievement Q24d" SC25Q01 "Low expectations Q25a" SC25Q02 "Student absenteeism Q25b" SC25Q03 "Stud-teacher relations Q25c" SC25Q04 "Disruption of Classes Q25d" SC25Q05 "Not meeting needs Q25e" SC25Q06 "Teacher absenteeism Q25f" SC25Q07 "Skipping classes Q25g" SC25Q08 "Lack of respect Q25h" SC25Q09 "Resisting change Q25i" SC25Q10 "Use of alcohol Q25j" SC25Q11 "Teacher strictness Q25k" SC25Q12 "Bullying Q25l" SC25Q13 "Lack encouragement Q25m" SC26Q01 "Hiring teachers Q26a" SC26Q02 "Firing teachers Q26b" SC26Q03 "Teacher salaries Q26c" SC26Q04 "Salary increase Q26d" SC26Q05 "Budget formulation Q26e" SC26Q06 "Budget allocation Q26f" SC26Q07 "Disciplinary policies Q26g" SC26Q08 "Assessment policies Q26h" SC26Q09 "Student admittance Q26i" SC26Q10 "Textbooks Q26j" SC26Q11 "Course content Q26k" SC26Q12 "Course offer Q26l" SC27Q01 "Decision making national Q27a" SC27Q02 "Decision making local Q27b" SC27Q03 "Decision making employers Q27c" SC27Q04 "Decision making parents Q27d" SC27Q05 "Decision making teachers Q27e" SC27Q06 "Decision making students Q27f" SC27Q07 "Decision making external Q27g" SCHLSIZE "School size" PCGIRLS "Proportion of girls" RATCOMP "Computer ratio to school size" STRATIO "Teacher/student ratio" SCHLTYPE "School Ownership" COMPWEB "Proportion of computers connected to WEB" COMPLAN "Proportion of computers connected to LAN" PROPCERT "Proportion of certified teachers" PROPQPED "Proportion of teachers with ISCED 5A in Pedagogy" SMRATIO "Maths teacher-student ratio" PROPMATH "Proportion of Maths teachers" PROPMA5A "Proportion of math teachers with a ISCED 5A level in math" ASSESS "Estimated Number of assessments per year" SELECT "School selectivity" abgroup "Streaming within schools" EXCOURSE "School offering extension courses (number of types)" MACTIV "School offering Maths activities (number of types)" AUTRES "Resource autonomy" AUTCURR "Curricular autonomy" MSTREL "Index of poor student-teacher relations (school average)" TCSHORT 'Shortage of teachers (WLE)'/ SCMATBUI 'Quality of material resources (WLE)' SCMATEDU 'Quality of educational resources (WLE)' STMORALE 'Student morale (WLE)' TCMORALE 'Teacher morale (WLE)' STUDBEHA 'Student behaviours (WLE)' TEACBEHA 'Teacher behaviours (WLE)' TCHCONS 'Mathematics teacher consensus (WLE)' SCHAUTON 'School autonomy (WLE)' TCHPARTI 'Teacher participation (WLE)' Scweight "school Weight" STRATUM "STRATUM" . value labels SC01Q01 1 "Village (less 3 000)" 2 "Small town (3 000 to 15 000)" 3 "Town (15 000 to 100 000)" 4 "City (100 000 to 1 000 000)" 5 "Large city (more 1 000 000)" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC03Q01 1 "Public" 2 "Private" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC05Q01 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC05Q02 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC05Q03 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC05Q04 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC05Q05 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC05Q06 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC05Q07 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC05Q08 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC05Q09 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC05Q10 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC05Q11 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC05Q12 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC05Q13 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC05Q14 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q01 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q02 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q03 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q04 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q05 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q06 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q07 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q08 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q09 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q10 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q11 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q12 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q13 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q14 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q15 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q16 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q17 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q18 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q19 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC08Q20 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC10Q01 1 "Prerequisite" 2 "High priority" 3 "Considered" 4 "Not considered" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC10Q02 1 "Prerequisite" 2 "High priority" 3 "Considered" 4 "Not considered" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC10Q03 1 "Prerequisite" 2 "High priority" 3 "Considered" 4 "Not considered" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC10Q04 1 "Prerequisite" 2 "High priority" 3 "Considered" 4 "Not considered" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC10Q05 1 "Prerequisite" 2 "High priority" 3 "Considered" 4 "Not considered" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC10Q06 1 "Prerequisite" 2 "High priority" 3 "Considered" 4 "Not considered" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC10Q07 1 "Prerequisite" 2 "High priority" 3 "Considered" 4 "Not considered" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC11Q01 1 "Strongly Agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC11Q02 1 "Strongly Agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC11Q03 1 "Strongly Agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC11Q04 1 "Strongly Agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC11Q05 1 "Strongly Agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC11Q06 1 "Strongly Agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC11Q07 1 "Strongly Agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC12Q01 1 "Never" 2 "1 to 2 times a year" 3 "3 to 5 times a year" 4 "Monthly" 5 "More once a month" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC12Q02 1 "Never" 2 "1 to 2 times a year" 3 "3 to 5 times a year" 4 "Monthly" 5 "More once a month" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC12Q03 1 "Never" 2 "1 to 2 times a year" 3 "3 to 5 times a year" 4 "Monthly" 5 "More once a month" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC12Q04 1 "Never" 2 "1 to 2 times a year" 3 "3 to 5 times a year" 4 "Monthly" 5 "More once a month" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC12Q05 1 "Never" 2 "1 to 2 times a year" 3 "3 to 5 times a year" 4 "Monthly" 5 "More once a month" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC13Q01 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC13Q02 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC13Q03 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC13Q04 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC13Q05 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC13Q06 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC13Q07 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC13Q08 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC14Q01 1 "40% or more" 2 "more 20% less 40%" 3 "more 10% less 20%" 4 "Less than 10%" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC15Q01 1 "No" 2 "Yes for one" 3 "Yes for 2 or more" 4 "Not Applicable" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC15Q02 1 "No" 2 "Yes for one" 3 "Yes for 2 or more" 4 "Not Applicable" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC16Q01 1 "For all classes" 2 "For some classes" 3 "Not for any classes" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC16Q02 1 "For all classes" 2 "For some classes" 3 "Not for any classes" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC16Q03 1 "For all classes" 2 "For some classes" 3 "Not for any classes" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC16Q04 1 "For all classes" 2 "For some classes" 3 "Not for any classes" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC17Q01 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC17Q02 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC17Q03 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC17Q04 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC17Q05 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC20Q01 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC20Q02 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC20Q03 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC20Q04 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC21Q01 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC21Q02 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC21Q03 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC22Q01 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC22Q02 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC22Q03 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC23Q01 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC23Q02 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC23Q03 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC24Q01 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC24Q02 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC24Q03 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC24Q04 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC25Q01 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very Little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC25Q02 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very Little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC25Q03 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very Little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC25Q04 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very Little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC25Q05 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very Little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC25Q06 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very Little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC25Q07 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very Little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC25Q08 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very Little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC25Q09 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very Little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC25Q10 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very Little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC25Q11 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very Little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC25Q12 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very Little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SC25Q13 1 "Not at all" 2 "Very Little" 3 "To some extent" 4 "A lot" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Miss" 7 "N/A"/ SCHLTYPE 1 'Private Independent' 2 'Private government-dependent' 3 'Public' 7 'N/A' 9 'Missing' / SELECT 0 'Not considered' 1 'At least one considered' 2 'At least one high priority' 3 'At least one pre-requiste' 7 'N/A' 9 'Missing' / ASSESS 1 '<20' 2 '20-39' 3 '>40' 7 'N/A' 9 'Missing' / abgroup 1 'Not for any classes' 2 'For some classes' 3 'For all classes' 7 'N/A' 9 'Missing' . value labels SC02Q01 SC02Q02 SC04Q01 SC04Q02 SC04Q03 SC04Q04 SC06Q01 SC06Q02 SC18Q11 SC18Q21 SC18Q12 SC18Q22 SC18Q13 SC18Q23 SC19Q11 SC19Q21 SC19Q12 SC19Q22 SC19Q13 SC19Q23 SC19Q14 SC19Q24 SC19Q15 SC19Q25 997 "N/A" 998 "Invalid" 999 "Miss" / SC09Q01 SC09Q02 SC09Q03 SC09Q04 SC09Q05 SC09Q06 9997 "N/A" 9998 "Invalid" 9999 "Miss" / SC26Q01 SC26Q02 SC26Q03 SC26Q04 SC26Q05 SC26Q06 SC26Q07 SC26Q08 SC26Q09 SC26Q10 SC26Q11 SC26Q12 "77777" "N/A" "88888" "Invalid" "99999" "Miss" / SC27Q01 SC27Q02 SC27Q03 SC27Q04 SC27Q05 SC27Q06 SC27Q07 "7777" "N/A" "8888" "Invalid" "9999" "Miss" / pcgirls PROPCERT PROPQPED SMRATIO PROPMATH PROPMA5A STRATIO 997 "N/A" 998 "Invalid" 999 "Miss" / SCHLSIZE 99997 "N/A" 99998 "Invalid" 99999 "Miss" / RATCOMP 97 "N/A" 98 "Invalid" 99 "Miss" / tcshort scmatbui scmatedu stmorale tcmorale studbeha teacbeha tchcons schauton tchparti Scweight 997 "Missing" . value labels EXCOURSE MACTIV AUTRES AUTCURR 9 'Missing' / COMPWEB COMPLAN MSTREL 7 'N/A' 9 'Missing' . missing values SC02Q01 SC02Q02 SC04Q01 SC04Q02 SC04Q03 SC04Q04 SC06Q01 SC06Q02 SC18Q11 SC18Q21 SC18Q12 SC18Q22 SC18Q13 SC18Q23 SC19Q11 SC19Q21 SC19Q12 SC19Q22 SC19Q13 SC19Q23 SC19Q14 SC19Q24 SC19Q15 SC19Q25 STRATIO (997,998,999). missing values SC09Q01 SC09Q02 SC09Q03 SC09Q04 SC09Q05 SC09Q06 (9997,9998,9999). missing values SC01Q01 SC03Q01 SC05Q01 SC05Q02 SC05Q03 SC05Q04 SC05Q05 SC05Q06 SC05Q07 SC05Q08 SC05Q09 SC05Q10 SC05Q11 SC05Q12 SC05Q13 SC05Q14 SC08Q01 SC08Q02 SC08Q03 SC08Q04 SC08Q05 SC08Q06 SC08Q07 SC08Q08 SC08Q09 SC08Q10 SC08Q11 SC08Q12 SC08Q13 SC08Q14 SC08Q15 SC08Q16 SC08Q17 SC08Q18 SC08Q19 SC08Q20 SC10Q01 SC10Q02 SC10Q03 SC10Q04 SC10Q05 SC10Q06 SC10Q07 SC11Q01 SC11Q02 SC11Q03 SC11Q04 SC11Q05 SC11Q06 SC11Q07 SC12Q01 SC12Q02 SC12Q03 SC12Q04 SC12Q05 SC13Q01 SC13Q02 SC13Q03 SC13Q04 SC13Q05 SC13Q06 SC13Q07 SC13Q08 SC14Q01 SC15Q01 SC15Q02 SC16Q01 SC16Q02 SC16Q03 SC16Q04 SC17Q01 SC17Q02 SC17Q03 SC17Q04 SC17Q05 SC20Q01 SC20Q02 SC20Q03 SC20Q04 SC21Q01 SC21Q02 SC21Q03 SC22Q01 SC22Q02 SC22Q03 SC23Q01 SC23Q02 SC23Q03 SC24Q01 SC24Q02 SC24Q03 SC24Q04 SC25Q01 SC25Q02 SC25Q03 SC25Q04 SC25Q05 SC25Q06 SC25Q07 SC25Q08 SC25Q09 SC25Q10 SC25Q11 SC25Q12 SC25Q13 (7,8,9) . missing values SC26Q01 SC26Q02 SC26Q03 SC26Q04 SC26Q05 SC26Q06 SC26Q07 SC26Q08 SC26Q09 SC26Q10 SC26Q11 SC26Q12 ("77777","88888", "99999"). missing values SC27Q01 SC27Q02 SC27Q03 SC27Q04 SC27Q05 SC27Q06 SC27Q07 ("7777","8888", "9999"). Missing values SCHLSIZE (99997, 99998, 99999). Missing values pcgirls (997,998,999). Missing values tcshort scmatbui scmatedu stmorale tcmorale studbeha teacbeha tchcons schauton tchparti Scweight (997). missing values PROPCERT PROPQPED SMRATIO PROPMATH PROPMA5A (997,998,999). missing values SCHLTYPE ASSESS SELECT abgroup EXCOURSE MACTIV AUTRES AUTCURR MSTREL (7,8,9) . missing values RATCOMP (97,98,99). missing values COMPWEB COMPLAN (7,8,9). format SC03Q01 SC05Q01 SC05Q02 SC05Q03 SC05Q04 SC05Q05 SC05Q06 SC05Q07 SC05Q08 SC05Q09 SC05Q10 SC05Q11 SC05Q12 SC05Q13 SC05Q14 SC08Q01 SC08Q02 SC08Q03 SC08Q04 SC08Q05 SC08Q06 SC08Q07 SC08Q08 SC08Q09 SC08Q10 SC08Q11 SC08Q12 SC08Q13 SC08Q14 SC08Q15 SC08Q16 SC08Q17 SC08Q18 SC08Q19 SC08Q20 SC10Q01 SC10Q02 SC10Q03 SC10Q04 SC10Q05 SC10Q06 SC10Q07 SC11Q01 SC11Q02 SC11Q03 SC11Q04 SC11Q05 SC11Q06 SC11Q07 SC12Q01 SC12Q02 SC12Q03 SC12Q04 SC12Q05 SC13Q01 SC13Q02 SC13Q03 SC13Q04 SC13Q05 SC13Q06 SC13Q07 SC13Q08 SC14Q01 SC15Q01 SC15Q02 SC16Q01 SC16Q02 SC16Q03 SC16Q04 SC17Q01 SC17Q02 SC17Q03 SC17Q04 SC17Q05 SC20Q01 SC20Q02 SC20Q03 SC20Q04 SC21Q01 SC21Q02 SC21Q03 SC22Q01 SC22Q02 SC22Q03 SC23Q01 SC23Q02 SC23Q03 SC24Q01 SC24Q02 SC24Q03 SC24Q04 SC25Q01 SC25Q02 SC25Q03 SC25Q04 SC25Q05 SC25Q06 SC25Q07 SC25Q08 SC25Q09 SC25Q10 SC25Q11 SC25Q12 SC25Q13 ASSESS SELECT abgroup EXCOURSE MACTIV AUTRES AUTCURR MSTREL (f1.0) . format SC02Q01 SC02Q02 SC09Q01 SC09Q02 SC09Q03 SC09Q04 SC09Q05 SC09Q06 SC18Q11 SC18Q21 SC18Q12 SC18Q22 SC18Q13 SC18Q23 SC19Q11 SC19Q21 SC19Q12 SC19Q22 SC19Q13 SC19Q23 SC19Q14 SC19Q24 SC19Q15 SC19Q25 SCHLSIZE (f8.0). format SC04Q01 SC04Q02 SC04Q03 SC04Q04 SC06Q01 SC06Q02 pcgirls tcshort scmatbui scmatedu stmorale tcmorale studbeha teacbeha tchcons schauton COMPWEB COMPLAN RATCOMP tchparti PROPCERT PROPQPED SMRATIO PROPMATH PROPMA5A STRATIO (f8.3). format MSTREL (f5.2). format Scweight (f8.5). exe. value labels subnatio '0360' 'Australia' '0400' 'Austria' '0560' 'Belgium' '0760' 'Brazil' '1240' 'Canada' '2030' 'Czech Republic' '2080' 'Denmark' '2460' 'Finland' '2500' 'France' '2760' 'Germany' '3000' 'Greece' '3440' 'Hong Kong SAR' '3480' 'Hungary' '3520' 'Iceland' '3600' 'Indonesia' '3720' 'Ireland' '3801' 'Italy: Veneto-Nord Est' '3802' 'Italy: Trento-Nord-Est ' '3803' 'Italy: Toscana-Centro' '3804' 'Italy: Piemonte-Nord-Ovest ' '3805' 'Italy: Lombardia-Nord Ovest ' '3806' 'Italy: Bolzano' '3807' 'Italy: Other regions' '3920' 'Japan' '4100' 'Korea' '4280' 'Latvia' '4380' 'Liechtenstein' '4420' 'Luxembourg' '4460' 'Macao SAR' '4840' 'Mexico' '5280' 'Netherlands' '5540' 'New Zealand' '5780' 'Norway' '6160' 'Poland' '6200' 'Portugal' '6430' 'Russian Federation' '7030' 'Slovak Republic' '7241' 'Spain: Other regions' '7242' 'Spain: Castilia y Leon' '7243' 'Spain: Catalonia' '7244' 'Spain: Basque Country' '7520' 'Sweden' '7560' 'Switzerland' '7640' 'Thailand' '7880' 'Tunisia' '7920' 'Turkey' '8261' 'United Kingdom: England, Wales & NI' '8262' 'United Kingdom: Scotland' '8400' 'United States' '8580' 'Uruguay' '8910' 'Yugoslavia'. value labels country '008' 'Albania' '032' 'Argentina' '036' 'Australia ' '040' 'Austria ' '056' 'Belgium ' '076' 'Brazil ' '100' 'Bulgaria' '124' 'Canada ' '152' 'Chile' '203' 'Czech Republic ' '208' 'Denmark ' '246' 'Finland ' '250' 'France ' '276' 'Germany ' '300' 'Greece ' '344' 'Hong Kong (China)' '348' 'Hungary ' '352' 'Iceland ' '360' 'Indonesia ' '372' 'Ireland ' '376' 'Israel' '380' 'Italy ' '392' 'Japan ' '410' 'Korea ' '428' 'Latvia ' '438' 'Liechtenstein ' '442' 'Luxembourg ' '446' 'Macao (China)' '484' 'Mexico ' '528' 'Netherlands ' '554' 'New Zealand ' '578' 'Norway ' '604' 'Peru ' '616' 'Poland ' '620' 'Portugal ' '643' 'Russian Federation ' '703' 'Slovakia ' '724' 'Spain ' '752' 'Sweden ' '756' 'Switzerland ' '764' 'Thailand ' '788' 'Tunisia ' '792' 'Turkey ' '807' 'Macedonia' '826' 'United Kingdom' '840' 'United States ' '858' 'Uruguay ' '891' 'Yugoslavia '. value labels STRATUM "03601" "Australia: ACT" "03602" "Australia: NSW" "03603" "Australia: VIC" "03604" "Australia: QLD" "03605" "Australia: SA" "03606" "Australia: WA" "03607" "Australia: TAS" "03608" "Australia: NT" "04002" "Austria: Hauptschule" "04003" "Austria: Polytechn. Schule" "04005" "Austria: Gymnasium" "04006" "Austria: Realgymnasium" "04007" "Austria: Oberstufenrealgymnasium" "04009" "Austria: Berufsschule (techn.-gewerbl.)" "04010" "Austria: Berufsschule (kaufmänn./Handel/Verkehr)" "04012" "Austria: BMS (gewerblich-technisch-kunstgewerbl.)" "04013" "Austria: BMS (kaufmännisch/Handelschulen)" "04014" "Austria: BMS (wirtschafts-/sozialberufl.)" "04015" "Austria: BMS (land-/forstwirtschaftl.)" "04016" "Austria: BHS (techn.-gewerblich)" "04017" "Austria: BHS (kaufmännisch)" "04018" "Austria: BHS (wirtschafts-/sozialberufl)" "04019" "Austria: BHS (land-/forstwirtschaftl.)" "04020" "Austria: Anstalt der Kindergarten-/Sozialpädagogik" "04021" "Austria: Moderately small schools" "04022" "Austria: Very small schools" "05601" "Belgium (Flemish): Only general education, private" "05602" "Belgium (Flemish): Only general education, public" "05603" "Belgium (Flemish): Gen.-techn.-vocat.-arts, private" "05604" "Belgium (Flemish): Gen.-techn.-vocat.-arts, public" "05605" "Belgium (Flemish): Techn.,arts, not general, private" "05606" "Belgium (Flemish): Techn.-vocat.-arts, not gen., public" "05607" "Belgium (Flemish): Special education - private" "05608" "Belgium (Flemish): Special education - public" "05609" "Belgium (Flemish): Part time vocational" "05610" "Belgium (Flemish): Moderately small schools" "05611" "Belgium (Flemish): Very small schools" "05612" "Belgium (French): Organised by community" "05613" "Belgium (French): Organised by community, spec. ed." "05614" "Belgium (French): Official schools subsidised by comm." "05615" "Belgium (French): Subsidised special education" "05616" "Belgium (French): Subsidised confessional" "05617" "Belgium (French): Subsidised confessional - spec. ed." "05618" "Belgium (French): Subsidised non-confessional" "05619" "Belgium (French): Subsidised non-confessional - spec. ed." "05620" "Belgium (German)" "07601" "Brazil: Central (private)" "07602" "Brazil: Central (public)" "07603" "Brazil: North (private)" "07604" "Brazil: North (public)" "07605" "Brazil: Northeast (private)" "07606" "Brazil: Northeast (public)" "07607" "Brazil: South (private)" "07608" "Brazil: South (public)" "07609" "Brazil: Southeast (private)" "07610" "Brazil: Southeast (public)" "07611" "Brazil: Small schools" "07612" "Brazil: Very small schools" "12400" "Canada" "20301" "Czech Republic: Stratum 1" "20302" "Czech Republic: Stratum 2" "20303" "Czech Republic: Stratum 3" "20304" "Czech Republic: Stratum 4" "20305" "Czech Republic: Stratum 5" "20306" "Czech Republic: Stratum 6" "20307" "Czech Republic: Stratum 7" "20308" "Czech Republic: Stratum 8" "20309" "Czech Republic: Stratum 9" "20310" "Czech Republic: Stratum 10" "20311" "Czech Republic: Stratum 11" "20312" "Czech Republic: Stratum 12" "20313" "Czech Republic: Stratum 13" "20314" "Czech Republic: Stratum 14" "20315" "Czech Republic: Stratum 15" "20316" "Czech Republic: Stratum 16" "20317" "Czech Republic: Stratum 17" "20318" "Czech Republic: Stratum 18" "20319" "Czech Republic: Stratum 19" "20320" "Czech Republic: Stratum 20" "20321" "Czech Republic: Stratum 21" "20322" "Czech Republic: Stratum 22" "20323" "Czech Republic: Stratum 23" "20324" "Czech Republic: Stratum 24" "20325" "Czech Republic: Stratum 25" "20326" "Czech Republic: Stratum 26" "20327" "Czech Republic: Stratum 27" "20328" "Czech Republic: Stratum 28" "20329" "Czech Republic: Stratum 29" "20330" "Czech Republic: Stratum 30" "20331" "Czech Republic: Stratum 31" "20332" "Czech Republic: Stratum 32" "20333" "Czech Republic: Stratum 33" "20334" "Czech Republic: Stratum 34" "20801" "Denmark: Large schools" "20802" "Denmark: Moderately small schools" "20803" "Denmark: Very Small schools" "24601" "Finland: Stratum 1" "24602" "Finland: Stratum 2" "24603" "Finland: Stratum 3" "24604" "Finland: Stratum 4" "24605" "Finland: Stratum 5" "24606" "Finland: Stratum 6" "24607" "Finland: Stratum 7" "24608" "Finland: Stratum 8" "24609" "Finland: Stratum 9" "24610" "Finland: Stratum 10" "24611" "Finland: Stratum 11" "24612" "Finland: Stratum 12" "25001" "France: Lycées généraux et technologiques" "25002" "France: Collèges" "25003" "France: Lycées professionnels" "25004" "France: Lycées agricoles" "25005" "France: Moderately small schools" "25006" "France: Very small schools" "27601" "Germany: Stratum 1" "27602" "Germany: Stratum 2" "27603" "Germany: Stratum 3" "27604" "Germany: Stratum 4" "27605" "Germany: Stratum 5" "27606" "Germany: Stratum 6" "27607" "Germany: Stratum 7" "27608" "Germany: Stratum 8" "27609" "Germany: Stratum 9" "27610" "Germany: Stratum 10" "27611" "Germany: Stratum 11" "27612" "Germany: Stratum 12" "27613" "Germany: Stratum 13" "27614" "Germany: Stratum 14" "27615" "Germany: Stratum 15" "27616" "Germany: Stratum 16" "27617" "Germany: Stratum 17" "27618" "Germany: Stratum 18" "30001" "Greece: Stratum 1" "30002" "Greece: Stratum 2" "30003" "Greece: Stratum 3" "30004" "Greece: Stratum 4" "30005" "Greece: Stratum 5" "30006" "Greece: Stratum 6" "30007" "Greece: Stratum 7" "30008" "Greece: Stratum 8" "30009" "Greece: Stratum 9" "30010" "Greece: Stratum 10" "30011" "Greece: Stratum 11" "30012" "Greece: Stratum 12" "34401" "Hong Kong SAR: Stratum 1" "34402" "Hong Kong SAR: Stratum 2" "34403" "Hong Kong SAR: Stratum 3" "34801" "Hungary: Stratum 1" "34802" "Hungary: Stratum 2" "34803" "Hungary: Stratum 3" "34804" "Hungary: Stratum 4" "34805" "Hungary: Stratum 5" "35201" "Iceland: Stratum 1" "35202" "Iceland: Stratum 2" "35203" "Iceland: Stratum 3" "35204" "Iceland: Stratum 4" "35205" "Iceland: Stratum 5" "35206" "Iceland: Stratum 6" "35207" "Iceland: Stratum 7" "35208" "Iceland: Stratum 8" "35209" "Iceland: Stratum 9" "36001" "Indonesia: Stratum 1" "36002" "Indonesia: Stratum 2" "36003" "Indonesia: Stratum 3" "36004" "Indonesia: Stratum 4" "36005" "Indonesia: Stratum 5" "36006" "Indonesia: Stratum 6" "36007" "Indonesia: Stratum 7" "36008" "Indonesia: Stratum 8" "36009" "Indonesia: Stratum 9" "36010" "Indonesia: Stratum 10" "36011" "Indonesia: Stratum 11" "36012" "Indonesia: Stratum 12" "36013" "Indonesia: Stratum 13" "36014" "Indonesia: Stratum 14" "36015" "Indonesia: Stratum 15" "36016" "Indonesia: Stratum 16" "36017" "Indonesia: Stratum 17" "36018" "Indonesia: Stratum 18" "36019" "Indonesia: Stratum 19" "36020" "Indonesia: Stratum 20" "36021" "Indonesia: Stratum 21" "36022" "Indonesia: Stratum 22" "36023" "Indonesia: Stratum 23" "36024" "Indonesia: Stratum 24" "36025" "Indonesia: Stratum 25" "36026" "Indonesia: Stratum 26" "36027" "Indonesia: Stratum 27" "36028" "Indonesia: Stratum 28" "37201" "Ireland: Stratum 1" "37202" "Ireland: Stratum 2" "37203" "Ireland: Stratum 3" "38014" "Italy, Veneto-Nord Est: Stratum 14" "38015" "Italy, Veneto-Nord Est: Stratum 15" "38016" "Italy, Veneto-Nord Est: Stratum 16" "38017" "Italy, Veneto-Nord Est: Stratum 17" "38018" "Italy, Veneto-Nord Est: Stratum 18" "38019" "Italy, Trento-Nord-Est: Stratum 19" "38020" "Italy, Trento-Nord-Est: Stratum 20" "38028" "Italy, Toscana-Centro: Stratum 28" "38029" "Italy, Toscana-Centro: Stratum 29" "38030" "Italy, Toscana-Centro: Stratum 30" "38031" "Italy, Toscana-Centro: Stratum 31" "38001" "Italy, Piemonte-Nord-Ovest: Stratum 1" "38002" "Italy, Piemonte-Nord-Ovest: Stratum 2" "38003" "Italy, Piemonte-Nord-Ovest: Stratum 3" "38004" "Italy, Piemonte-Nord-Ovest: Stratum 4" "38005" "Italy, Lombardia-Nord Ovest: Stratum 5" "38006" "Italy, Lombardia-Nord Ovest: Stratum 6" "38007" "Italy, Lombardia-Nord Ovest: Stratum 7" "38008" "Italy, Lombardia-Nord Ovest: Stratum 8" "38021" "Italy, Bolzano: Stratum 21" "38022" "Italy, Bolzano: Stratum 22" "38009" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 9" "38010" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 10" "38011" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 11" "38012" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 12" "38013" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 13" "38023" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 23" "38024" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 24" "38025" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 25" "38026" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 26" "38032" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 32" "38033" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 33" "38034" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 34" "38035" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 35" "38036" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 36" "38037" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 37" "38038" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 38" "38039" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 39" "38040" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 40" "38041" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 41" "38042" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 42" "38043" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 43" "38044" "Italy, Other regions: Stratum 44" "39201" "Japan: Public & Academic Course" "39202" "Japan: Public & Practical Course" "39203" "Japan: Private & Academic Course" "39204" "Japan: Private & Practical Course" "41001" "Korea: Metropolitan General" "41002" "Korea: Metropolitan Vocational " "41003" "Korea: Urban General" "41004" "Korea: Urban Vocational" "41005" "Korea: Urban General & Vocational" "41006" "Korea: Rural General" "41007" "Korea: Rural Vocational" "41008" "Korea: Rural General & Vocational" "41009" "Korea: Moderately small schools" "42801" "Latvia: Large schools" "42802" "Latvia: Moderately small schools" "42803" "Latvia: Very small schools" "43840" "Liechtenstein" "44201" "Luxembourg: Stratum 1" "44202" "Luxembourg: Stratum 2" "44203" "Luxembourg: Stratum 3" "44601" "Macao SAR: Stratum 1" "44602" "Macao SAR: Stratum 2" "44603" "Macao SAR: Stratum 3" "48401" "Mexico: Aguascalientes" "48402" "Mexico: Baja California" "48403" "Mexico: Baja California Sur" "48404" "Mexico: Campeche Coahuila" "48405" "Mexico: Coahuila" "48406" "Mexico: Colima" "48407" "Mexico: Chiapas" "48408" "Mexico: Chihuahua" "48409" "Mexico: Distrito Federal" "48410" "Mexico: Durango" "48411" "Mexico: Guanajuato" "48412" "Mexico: Guerrero" "48413" "Mexico: Hidalgo" "48414" "Mexico: Jalisco" "48415" "Mexico: Mexico" "48417" "Mexico: Morelos" "48418" "Mexico: Nayarit" "48419" "Mexico: Nuevo Leon" "48420" "Mexico: Oaxaca" "48421" "Mexico: Puebla" "48422" "Mexico: Queretaro" "48423" "Mexico: Quintana Roo" "48424" "Mexico: San Luis Potosi" "48425" "Mexico: Sinaloa" "48426" "Mexico: Sonora" "48427" "Mexico: Tabasco" "48428" "Mexico: Tamaulipas" "48429" "Mexico: Tlaxcala" "48430" "Mexico: Veracruz" "48431" "Mexico: Yucatan" "48432" "Mexico: Zacatecas" "48433" "Mexico: Small schools" "48434" "Mexico: Very small schools" "52801" "Netherlands: Lower secondary schools" "52802" "Netherlands: Upper secondary schools" "55401" "New Zealand" "57801" "Norway: Stratum 1" "57802" "Norway: Stratum 2" "57803" "Norway: Stratum 3" "57804" "Norway: Stratum 4" "61601" "Poland: Gimnazja" "61602" "Poland: Licea (vss)" "62001" "Portugal: Açores" "62002" "Portugal: DREA" "62003" "Portugal: DREALG" "62004" "Portugal: DREC" "62005" "Portugal: DREL" "62006" "Portugal: DREN" "62007" "Portugal: Madeira" "62008" "Portugal: Small schools" "62009" "Portugal: Very small schools" "64303" "Russian Federation: Stratum 3" "64304" "Russian Federation: Stratum 4" "64307" "Russian Federation: Stratum 7" "64308" "Russian Federation: Stratum 8" "64314" "Russian Federation: Stratum 14" "64316" "Russian Federation: Stratum 16" "64318" "Russian Federation: Stratum 18" "64321" "Russian Federation: Stratum 21" "64322" "Russian Federation: Stratum 22" "64323" "Russian Federation: Stratum 23" "64324" "Russian Federation: Stratum 24" "64325" "Russian Federation: Stratum 25" "64326" "Russian Federation: Stratum 26" "64327" "Russian Federation: Stratum 27" "64331" "Russian Federation: Stratum 31" "64332" "Russian Federation: Stratum 32" "64334" "Russian Federation: Stratum 34" "64335" "Russian Federation: Stratum 35" "64336" "Russian Federation: Stratum 36" "64337" "Russian Federation: Stratum 37" "64338" "Russian Federation: Stratum 38" "64342" "Russian Federation: Stratum 42" "64343" "Russian Federation: Stratum 43" "64347" "Russian Federation: Stratum 47" "64348" "Russian Federation: Stratum 48" "64350" "Russian Federation: Stratum 50" "64351" "Russian Federation: Stratum 51" "64352" "Russian Federation: Stratum 52" "64353" "Russian Federation: Stratum 53" "64354" "Russian Federation: Stratum 54" "64355" "Russian Federation: Stratum 55" "64356" "Russian Federation: Stratum 56" "64358" "Russian Federation: Stratum 58" "64359" "Russian Federation: Stratum 59" "64361" "Russian Federation: Stratum 61" "64363" "Russian Federation: Stratum 63" "64364" "Russian Federation: Stratum 64" "64366" "Russian Federation: Stratum 66" "64370" "Russian Federation: Stratum 70" "64371" "Russian Federation: Stratum 71" "64374" "Russian Federation: Stratum 74" "64376" "Russian Federation: Stratum 76" "64377" "Russian Federation: Stratum 77" "64378" "Russian Federation: Stratum 78" "64386" "Russian Federation: Stratum 86" "70301" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 1" "70302" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 2" "70303" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 3" "70304" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 4" "70305" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 5" "70306" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 6" "70307" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 7" "70308" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 8" "70309" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 9" "70310" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 10" "70311" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 11" "70312" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 12" "70313" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 13" "70314" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 14" "70315" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 15" "70316" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 16" "70317" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 17" "70318" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 18" "70319" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 19" "70320" "Slovak Republic: Stratum 20" "72401" "Spain: Stratum 1" "72402" "Spain: Stratum 2" "72403" "Spain: Stratum 3" "72419" "Spain: Stratum 19" "72420" "Spain: Stratum 20" "72421" "Spain: Stratum 21" "72422" "Spain: Stratum 22" "72423" "Spain: Stratum 23" "72424" "Spain: Stratum 24" "72425" "Spain: Stratum 25" "72426" "Spain: Stratum 26" "72427" "Spain: Stratum 27" "72428" "Spain: Stratum 28" "72429" "Spain: Stratum 29" "72430" "Spain: Stratum 30" "72431" "Spain: Stratum 31" "72432" "Spain: Stratum 32" "72433" "Spain: Stratum 33" "72434" "Spain: Stratum 34" "72435" "Spain: Stratum 35" "72436" "Spain: Stratum 36" "72437" "Spain: Stratum 37" "72438" "Spain: Stratum 38" "72439" "Spain: Stratum 39" "72440" "Spain: Stratum 40" "72441" "Spain: Stratum 41" "72442" "Spain: Stratum 42" "72443" "Spain: Stratum 43" "72444" "Spain: Stratum 44" "72445" "Spain: Stratum 45" "72404" "Spain, Castilia y Leon: Stratum 4" "72405" "Spain, Castilia y Leon: Stratum 5" "72406" "Spain, Castilia y Leon: Stratum 6" "72407" "Spain, Castilia y Leon: Stratum 7" "72408" "Spain, Catalonia: Stratum 8" "72409" "Spain, Catalonia: Stratum 9" "72410" "Spain, Catalonia: Stratum 10" "72411" "Spain, Basque Country: Stratum 11" "72412" "Spain, Basque Country: Stratum 12" "72413" "Spain, Basque Country: Stratum 13" "72414" "Spain, Basque Country: Stratum 14" "72415" "Spain, Basque Country: Stratum 15" "72416" "Spain, Basque Country: Stratum 16" "72417" "Spain, Basque Country: Stratum 17" "72418" "Spain, Basque Country: Stratum 18" "75201" "Sweden: Stratum 1" "75202" "Sweden: Stratum 2" "75203" "Sweden: Stratum 3" "75204" "Sweden: Stratum 4" "75205" "Sweden: Stratum 5" "75206" "Sweden: Stratum 6" "75207" "Sweden: Stratum 7" "75208" "Sweden: Stratum 8" "75209" "Sweden: Stratum 9" "75601" "Switzerland (German): Stratum 1" "75602" "Switzerland (German): Stratum 2" "75603" "Switzerland (German): Stratum 3" "75604" "Switzerland (German): Stratum 4" "75605" "Switzerland (German): Stratum 5" "75606" "Switzerland (German): Stratum 6" "75607" "Switzerland (German): Stratum 7" "75608" "Switzerland (German): Stratum 8" "75609" "Switzerland (German): Stratum 9" "75610" "Switzerland (German): Stratum 10" "75611" "Switzerland (German): Stratum 11" "75612" "Switzerland (German): Stratum 12" "75613" "Switzerland (German): Stratum 13" "75614" "Switzerland (German): Stratum 14" "75615" "Switzerland (French): Stratum 15" "75616" "Switzerland (French): Stratum 16" "75617" "Switzerland (French): Stratum 17" "75618" "Switzerland (French): Stratum 18" "75619" "Switzerland (French): Stratum 19" "75620" "Switzerland (French): Stratum 20" "75621" "Switzerland (French): Stratum 21" "75623" "Switzerland (French): Stratum 23" "75624" "Switzerland (French): Stratum 24" "75625" "Switzerland (French): Stratum 25" "75626" "Switzerland (French): Stratum 26" "75628" "Switzerland (French): Stratum 28" "75629" "Switzerland (Italian): Stratum 29" "75631" "Switzerland (Italian): Stratum 31" "75632" "Switzerland (Italian): Stratum 32" "75634" "Switzerland (Italian): Stratum 34" "76401" "Thailand: Stratum 1" "76402" "Thailand: Stratum 2" "76403" "Thailand: Stratum 3" "76404" "Thailand: Stratum 4" "76405" "Thailand: Stratum 5" "76406" "Thailand: Stratum 6" "76407" "Thailand: Stratum 7" "76408" "Thailand: Stratum 8" "76409" "Thailand: Stratum 9" "76410" "Thailand: Stratum 10" "76411" "Thailand: Stratum 11" "76412" "Thailand: Stratum 12" "76413" "Thailand: Stratum 13" "76414" "Thailand: Stratum 14" "76415" "Thailand: Stratum 15" "78801" "Tunisia: East" "78802" "Tunisia: West" "79201" "Turkey: Stratum 1" "79202" "Turkey: Stratum 2" "79203" "Turkey: Stratum 3" "79204" "Turkey: Stratum 4" "79205" "Turkey: Stratum 5" "79206" "Turkey: Stratum 6" "79207" "Turkey: Stratum 7" "79208" "Turkey: Stratum 8" "79209" "Turkey: Stratum 9" "79210" "Turkey: Stratum 10" "79211" "Turkey: Stratum 11" "79212" "Turkey: Stratum 12" "79213" "Turkey: Stratum 13" "79214" "Turkey: Stratum 14" "79215" "Turkey: Stratum 15" "79216" "Turkey: Stratum 16" "79217" "Turkey: Stratum 17" "79218" "Turkey: Stratum 18" "79219" "Turkey: Stratum 19" "79220" "Turkey: Stratum 20" "79221" "Turkey: Stratum 21" "79222" "Turkey: Stratum 22" "79223" "Turkey: Stratum 23" "79224" "Turkey: Stratum 24" "79225" "Turkey: Stratum 25" "79226" "Turkey: Stratum 26" "79227" "Turkey: Stratum 27" "79228" "Turkey: Stratum 28" "79229" "Turkey: Stratum 29" "79230" "Turkey: Stratum 30" "79231" "Turkey: Stratum 31" "79232" "Turkey: Stratum 32" "79233" "Turkey: Stratum 33" "79234" "Turkey: Stratum 34" "79235" "Turkey: Stratum 35" "79236" "Turkey: Stratum 36" "79237" "Turkey: Stratum 37" "79238" "Turkey: Stratum 38" "79239" "Turkey: Stratum 39" "79240" "Turkey: Stratum 40" "79241" "Turkey: Stratum 41" "79242" "Turkey: Stratum 42" "79243" "Turkey: Stratum 43" "82611" "England" "82613" "N.Ireland" "82614" "N.Ireland: Very large schools" "82615" "Wales" "82601" "Scotland: Stratum 1" "82602" "Scotland: Stratum 2" "82603" "Scotland: Stratum 3" "82604" "Scotland: Stratum 4" "82605" "Scotland: Stratum 5" "84000" "United States" "85801" "Uruguay: Liceos Publicos (Mdeo/AM)" "85802" "Uruguay: Liceos Publicos (cap. dptos interior)" "85803" "Uruguay: Liceos Publicos (rural)" "85804" "Uruguay: Escuelas tecnicas (Mdeo/AM)" "85805" "Uruguay: Escuelas tecnicas (interior)" "85806" "Uruguay: Colegios privados" "85808" "Uruguay: Small schools" "85809" "Uruguay: Very small schools" "89101" "Yugoslavia: Stratum 1" "89102" "Yugoslavia: Stratum 2" "89103" "Yugoslavia: Stratum 3" "89104" "Yugoslavia: Stratum 4" "89105" "Yugoslavia: Stratum 5" "89106" "Yugoslavia: Stratum 6" "89107" "Yugoslavia: Stratum 7" "89108" "Yugoslavia: Stratum 8". SAVE OUTFILE="c:\...\INT_schi_2003.sav".